Trump, Covid-19, U.Ok.: Your Monday Briefing

Kadia Goba, Axios: Capitol Police came on the speaker to say there was a violation. When you walk into this marble building, it seems sacred to the people who work there. They just don’t think about intruders getting access to that part of the building.

Marcus DiPaola, freelance: This guy grabs my shoulder and says, “Who do you work for?” I say, “I’m a freelance photographer.” He says, “Have you ever worked for CNN?” And then he pulled me out of the way and stormed inside.

Zoeann Murphy, Washington Post: Around 10 a.m. I went back to my hotel and went through these mobs of Trump supporters who were drunk in the lobby. I return to my room and began to process the enormity of what had happened.

Robert Moore, British ITV: I went to sleep around 3 or 4 a.m. and was up a few hours later. What surprised me is the interest in Europe and especially in Great Britain with what is happening here. This is viewed as a seminal story that shatters the myth about the stability of American democracy.

That’s it for this briefing. See you on Tuesday.

– Natasha

Many Thanks
To Theodore Kim and Jahaan Singh for the break from the news. You can reach the team at [email protected].

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