Classes from Ted Lasso on management

October 13, 2020 5 min read

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I have always believed that film and television offer very good lessons for entrepreneurs in both our personal and professional environments. When I saw the new Apple TV Plus series Ted Lasso I wanted to write about it right away. It’s a comedy by and with Jason Sudeikis (Saturday Night Live), which is about Ted, a soccer coach invited to England to coach a Premier League team. Not only is each episode an easy and fun story (that will please fans, not soccer fans), it also contains elements that we can adopt to run our businesses and projects. These were the ones I found:

1. You have to enjoy the process

For Ted, the goal is not to win (which is obviously not easy to see in managers), but to enjoy every training session, game, loss and triumph. If your company’s only mission is to make money and every effort is directed towards it, chances are you will not be successful.

2. The motivation changes from person to person

Ted knows that Jamie (the young star) doesn’t respond to the same motivators as Roy (the veteran). He knows each of his players and knows what moves them. Not all employees are motivated by money or position; there are those who prefer greater freedom, others greater decision-making ability. If you want to motivate everyone on your team, identify each individual’s interests.

Image: via GIPHY

3. Learn to listen to EVERYONE

Nathan is the team’s water carrier, but he has very interesting suggestions for working with the players as well as suggestions for games. Ted not only listens to you, but values ​​your opinion and carries out your recommendations. This can happen in your company: you never know where the best ideas may come from.

4. The “I” does not exist in a team

Great teams don’t consist of a few stars, but rather groups of people who know how to trust each other. Jamie is a great player, but he’s always on the lookout for personal glory. When Ted makes her understand, not only does his vision change, he even wins the victory.

5. Humility gives you greatness

Ted arrives in England without understanding anything about football and its rules. This is widely criticized by his team and the media. But his attitude is never arrogant, he knows his limits and understands that he has to seek the support of others. As an entrepreneur, you will never be an expert on all matters. Don’t pretend you can solve everything on your own. rely on those who know about it.

6. Find the meeting points between your team

Prior to Ted’s arrival, the Richmond AFC had several disagreements among its members. Little by little, Ted finds points where everyone feels identified and gets to know each other better. This happens in all teams: there are people who get along and others who don’t, but a good leader manages to minimize differences and improve coincidences.

Image: via GIPHY

7. The key is in people

Ultimately, Ted becomes a beloved and respected leader because his real concern is in people’s wellbeing, and that includes everything from the headmaster to the assistant to every single player. If an entrepreneur understands, this is when he is successful.

8. New talent + experience

Young players give vitality and energy to the AFC Richmond. while the “veterans” have the experience. Try to put together a team that offers you both: Young people learn a lot from the experienced and vice versa.

9. Surround yourself with people who are not afraid to tell you the truth

If Ted is wrong, his assistant isn’t afraid to confront him and give his opinion. Don’t add people to your team who always tell you what you want to hear. Look for people who complement you, add value, and are honest with you.

10. Never underestimate the element of surprise

When AFC Richmond takes on Manchester City, Ted uses multiple surprise games to confuse them and lose confidence. Your best tool as an entrepreneur to face your big competitors is to innovate and try different things than others. If you imitate what is already being done, you will get stuck.

11. Bonus: Create

Ted was a trainer from day one, and a sign with the word “Believe” hangs in the locker room. This is a motivating message for everyone on your team: When there is confidence, there is no impossible.

Image: via GIPHY

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