How one can Overcome Impostor Syndrome By means of Religion and Motion

Impostor syndrome is an internal experience of the belief that you are not as competent as others perceive you to be. People who are trying to transition are badly affected. As we strive to move from one area of ​​life to another, a little voice tells us that we cannot. But for black people, impostor syndrome is a way of life. We are reminded every day that micro-aggressions at work, cold shoulders at networking events or on the golf course, encounters with the police, etc., mean we don’t belong anywhere.

In addition to making you feel inadequate and / or isolated, this barrier can be even more difficult to overcome when you’re the only black person in a department or company. However, there is hope. Here are five ways to overcome impostor syndrome:

  1. Remember God is with you

Whenever you are looking at a transition, you may feel alone. But you are not. God is with you.

“When we strive to do what is right, God works for us. He usually puts people in our lives to help us on our journey and to seek relationships with people willing to invest in your talents, ”said Michael Patterson, CEO of M&S Patterson Life Consulting.

If you are a religious or spiritual person, belief is important, perhaps the most important aspect of your life. Let yourself be guided in your transition.

  1. Believe in yourself firmly

How you look at yourself often determines how people look at you.

“If you think you are inferior, you will act that way. Let every company and person qualify for you first, rather than the other way around. That way, you can change the dynamics of performance, ”said Corey Jackson, CEO of Querkz.

You are good enough! Now believe it.

  1. Modify or create your environment

Most likely, you will need to create or modify your environment as most of them are not aimed at black or brown people.

“While our white colleagues may not feel like they have what it takes to do a job, they receive tremendous support in recognized and unrecognized ways,” said Aaisha Joseph, CEO of Aaisha Renee Consulting.

You need a strong inner circle, especially when trying something new. Environments affect our moods, our decision making, and ultimately our lives. We need to change our current one or create the right one in order to be successful.

  1. Remember that nobody is perfect

We want to pass, but we don’t want to look like a scam. We feel like we have to be perfect before we get out. We try to fake it until we make it or inflate our accomplishments and hope no one finds us out. It’s not about perfection. Believe in yourself, do what you know and learn as you go. All successful people do this.

  1. Remember your previous successes

When we choose to transition, we can be confident because we have achieved things in our past that we can bring into our “new” life. While our past does not seem to have anything to do with our “new” life, there is usually a connection between the two. Before David confronted Goliath, he remembered what he had done as a shepherd boy. His experience in protecting his sheep gave him the confidence to fight Goliath. He killed him and later became king of Israel. Once we have identified our successes, we can refer to them and safely step into our new identity.

Black professionals generally have fewer resources and support systems than our white counterparts. But that can’t stop us. We can’t just wait for opportunities. we have to create it. This is why it is so important to pool our resources and create our support systems. To overcome we need to believe in ourselves, surround ourselves with people who support us, and remember that we have a God who always has our back.

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