Expertise brings us nearer to the tradition of prevention

In the past few years we have noticed the emergence of new alternatives such as Healthtech, InsuranceTech, EdTech and the most famous or hottest FinTech and PropTech.

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December 2, 2020 4 min read

This article has been translated from our Spanish edition using AI technologies. Errors can occur due to this process.

  • The appearance of new technology companies only makes us notice that there is an eager sense of evolution and adaptation to the current market, the new economically active generation has already immersed the chip in the digital world and we need to use it.

In troubled times, humanity has reinvented itself time and time again, using every possible tool to achieve extraordinary adjustment. 2020 is no exception, technology has been the right lever for all industries to stay up and running.

We are seeing a boom in the emergence of new technological solutions that are efficient, help maximize and improve everyone’s life. As an entrepreneur and society, it is important to get on the wave or revolution that we are living in favor of the personal, family, business and of course the entrepreneurial universe.

We thought that the use of technology marked the generation gap and the distance between groups of people more strongly. However, one of the benefits of COVID-19 is an improvement in communication channels and empathy between family members and, in this case, brands and consumers.

In the past few years we have noticed the emergence of new alternatives such as Healthtech, InsuranceTech, EdTech and the most famous or hottest FinTech and PropTech. The appearance of new technology companies only makes us notice that there is an eager sense of evolution and adaptation to the current market, the new economically active generation has already immersed the chip in the digital world and we need to use it.

The culture of prevention is usually not considered a priority in Mexican society. Little by little, however, we see the new generation worry about their future and technology making the transition to adult life easier. From making savings or diversified investments to training and housing, these are factors that are being exploited today thanks to restriction and adaptation.

The foreclosure hastened several processes that the institutions did not consider relevant due to laziness or a lack of trust. The big changes that will stay here include the home office and homeschooling. However, we see again how technological leverage manages to keep a society on its feet in order to avoid educational delays and constant economic activity.

Image: Unsplash

Unfortunately, the responsibility of everyone involved in these two trends is not fair, i.e. both business people or entrepreneurs and workers or students are taking advantage of the situation to skew the goal of both activities from lowering the income of a home office to giving up responsibility and distance learning with little interest in the office Students. The meaning lies in the obligation that everyone acquires and, above all, to fulfill it.

Digitizing society was a difficult measure before COVID-19. Without a doubt, this factor accelerated all kinds of change and social adjustment. As technological platforms, we have an obligation to be empathetic and have a responsive product that meets the needs of the population. It is necessary to understand the needs of all sectors in order to provide effective solutions that do not feel helpless or unprotected, even more so in the age we are in and digital advancement has made leaps and bounds.

The insurance, health, housing, law, education and many other industries have joined forces and integrated technology into their daily operations. Some are faster than others. It is important that the path has already been determined and that we must continue on the same course for the benefit of all.

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