How I Overcame the Concern of Being My Personal Boss

These are some lessons I learned from Robert Kiyosaki’s “Before You Quit” before starting a business.

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“Life is the sum of our choices” – Albert Camus.

One of the big roadblocks in making the decision to quit my job to become an entrepreneur was fear. Fear of risk, fear of being singled out, fear of failure. And probably the biggest thing: I’m not sure if I would receive any particular payment on the 15th.

The terror of thinking that months or even years could go by without receiving a single penny.

I felt judged by the stereotype of this man in an expensive suit and tight tie who told me that without an MBA (sounds more complex and interesting in English) and a high position at a reputable company, I would achieve nothing.

I think of this man who worked for years, maybe decades, to get his office to have his last name; who one day decided to start the project of a company where he could create jobs and close customers on the 5th hole of a golf course.

This office would not exist without the perseverance, discipline and dedication of this man who one day dreamed of having a successful company. I say one day because that’s how entrepreneurs start. With the dream of expanding our company, our baby. Usually against the tide.

To do this, it is necessary to break the paradigm and venture out before perfection is found. There are times when we like to wait to complete a cycle and be promoted. It takes another three years to learn something and then start my own business. Maybe we also hope that the stars align.

The rat race, Robert Kiyosaki would say. Run and run, getting nowhere. All you need is conviction. The easiest thing to do is to develop habits that make it easier to achieve your goals.

As a business owner, you may not have all the answers. You have to look for them, invent them and, if necessary, reinvent them. Hunger for knowledge. Kiyosaki would say that an employee is a specialist looking for answers while the employer has to be a generalist. Know even a little about all sorts of topics. Anyone can become an entrepreneur with a certain initiative. Everything is in the mindset that you adopt. To be an entrepreneur is to make things happen.

Here are some lessons from Robert Kiyosaki’s book “Before You Quit” that have helped me a lot.

  1. A successful business is created before there is a business.
  2. Find out how to turn bad luck into happiness. People learn from their mistakes to “get stupid and richer”.
  3. Know the difference between your job and your job. They pay you for a job, but they don’t pay you to do your job.
  4. Success shows your mistakes. Fail as often as possible.
  5. The process is more important than the goal. Trust. It determines who you will become when you achieve your goals.
  6. The best answers are in your heart, not in your head. Success is not in itself, but in the mission. Your mission begins in your marrow, in your soul, it is felt in your heart and expressed through your actions … not just in your words.
  7. The scope of the mission determines the product. Falling down is good if you survive.
  8. Design a company that can do what no other company can.
  9. Don’t fight for the offer. It only attracts stingy customers. Show what your product is worth.

In conclusion, the business of your dreams is waiting for you. If you have the conviction, you will achieve it. Even if it takes more effort than what you put into your job. Those who work make good costs that are just as good. If you asked Henry Ford what would happen if you lost all of your fortune? He would answer you: I would have her back in less than 5 years.

Don’t be afraid to fail, we all failed. There are two outcomes in economics. Either you win or you learn. But you never lose

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