Watch: How This Founder Kicked Her Eating regimen Coke Behavior–and Constructed a $150 Million Enterprise
After 15 years in business, Hint Water is still finding new ways to grow. The company, which sells fruit-flavored unsweetened water, completed a Series D round valued at $ 25 million in August. According to PrivCo, total funding was $ 51.5 million and valuation was $ 150 million. In addition, the product range – which includes deodorant and sunscreen – has been expanded to include a range of scented hand disinfectants. At Inc.’s most recent Real Talk streaming event, founder and CEO Kara Goldin spoke to associate editor of Brit Morse, Inc. about the company’s early days, how Hint got embarrassed during the coronavirus pandemic, and about her memoirs Undaunted: Overcoming Doubt and Doubt (HarperCollins Leadership, 2020). Read the clips below to learn more about Goldin’s story and tips for entrepreneurs.
Why Hint got a head start on automation and how it helped keep workers safe during the pandemic:
Among the lessons she learned from running her business through the Great Recession:
What it takes to start a successful company in an unknown industry:
About the inspiration for the health-oriented products from Hint – and why big competitors soon followed:
At the right (and wrong) time to raise debt:
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