ABC, CBS Counsel Aid Invoice ‘Infuriating Republicans’ As a result of It Helps Individuals

Each of the three major broadcast networks started their news broadcasts Wednesday night by trumpeting the Democratically controlled house for passing the COVID relief bill despite Republicans opposed to lavish pork spending. But instead of admitting to viewers that the bill contained billions in non-relief and non-recovery efforts, ABC’s World News Tonight and CBS Evening News opted to beat Republicans in Congress by suggesting that relief efforts “make them angry” .

“The bill includes billions for small businesses, extends federal unemployment benefits to $ 300 a week through September, and lowers health premiums for millions of Americans at ObamaCare,” announced ABC Congress correspondent Rachel Scott. “Also includes $ 350 billion for state and local governments …”

But instead of letting viewers know that no state had budget constraints in 2020, Scott scoffed at the criticism of the spending, saying it was “angry republicans. As usual, ABC refused to put the Republican position in context.

And when anchor David Muir entered the segment, he portrayed the situation as Republicans simply speaking out against President Biden’s efforts to support the warring Americans:

With $ 1,400 checks for most Americans and new unemployment benefits, just like an earlier round was about to end. Lowering the cost of health insurance when you are on Obamacare. And President Biden said to the American people today, “Help is here.”

The measures that clear the house. Not a single Republican who votes for the bill, despite the president’s awareness of the poll, shows that a large majority of American voters support these efforts.

There have been similar efforts to make the story of CBS presenter Norah O’Donnell that way. “Most Americans are paid $ 1,400. We’re going to answer some of your big questions: When will you get the money? What else is there? And why didn’t a single Republican vote for it?She asked in her opening tease.

O’Donnell also refused to give the proper context and focus regarding the GOP’s criticism of segments of the total accounts, while making simplistic explanations like these: “As we go on the air, the White House is celebrating the new president’s first legislative victory, while Republicans are calling him a lavish spending that continues to inflate national debt. ”

In reality, Republicans in Congress were questioning the fact that the bill threw more money on certain pandemic programs that had billions in unspent funds from the last relief bill passed in December. Not to mention the other funds that would not be spent until 2022.

But that didn’t stop Congressional correspondent Kris Van Cleave from criticizing the Republican perspective. “But Republicans in Congress continue to rail against it, arguing that nearly $ 400 billion in aid to transit agencies, states and local governments, and $ 86 billion in bailing out pension funds, is unrelated to COVID“He scoffed.

Van Cleave never explained how any of these things related to COVID.

As for NBC Nightly News, they celebrated the passing of the bill but didn’t shoot Republicans in the same way as the others. They focused more on building Biden.

This deliberate misrepresentation and blurring of the republican position was made possible by lucrative sponsorships from Procter & Gamble on ABC and Liberty Mutual on CBS. Their contact information is linked so you can let them know about the biased news they’re funding. CBS Evening News also asked people to send O’Donnell their thoughts to (202) 217-1107.

The transcripts are below, click “Expand” to read:

ABC’s world news tonight
March 10, 2021
6:32:51 p.m. East


DAVID MUIR: With $ 1,400 checks for most Americans and new unemployment benefits, just when an earlier round was about to expire. Lowering the cost of health insurance when you are on Obamacare. And President Biden said to the American people today, “Help is here.”

The measures that clear the house. Not a single Republican who votes for the bill, despite the president’s awareness of the poll, shows that a large majority of American voters support these efforts. Senate and House Democratic leaders sign the bill before sending it to the president. Speaking of this support across the country, the president said the relief bill was passed with the support of “an overwhelming percentage of Americans, Democrats, Independents and Republicans”.


6:35:07 p.m. East

RACHEL SCOTT: The bill contains billions for small businesses, extends federal unemployment benefits to $ 300 a week through September, and lowers health premiums for millions of Americans at ObamaCare.

A 64-year-old making $ 58,000 would cut his monthly premium payments from around $ 1,000 to $ 400.

Also includes $ 350 billion for state and local governments angering Republicans.

REP. KEVIN MCCARTHY (R-CA): It’s a pre-pandemic left wing laundry list.


CBS evening news
March 10, 2021
6:30:20 p.m. East [Opening tease]

NORAH O’DONNELL: Tonight, the nearly $ 2 trillion COVID relief plan is being sent to President Biden’s desk, with news that the biggest stimulus check of all time may be on your way.

Most Americans are paid $ 1,400. We’re going to answer some of your big questions: When will you get the money? What else is there? And why didn’t a single Republican vote for it?


6:32:22 p.m. East

O’DONNELL: The size of the US $ 1.9 trillion rescue plan, which includes more than 600 printed pages, is unprecedented.

In the coming weeks tens of millions of Americans will receive US $ 1,400 business checks, unemployment benefits will increase, and ObamaCare health insurance costs will decrease. Analysts say the bill, passed without a single Republican vote, will also drastically reduce poverty across the country, fund food and housing aid programs, and offer tax credits for children.

As we go on the air, the White House is celebrating the new president’s first legislative victory, while Republicans are calling him a lavish spending that continues to inflate national debt.


6:34:48 p.m. East

KRIS VAN CLEAVE: 70 percent of Americans support the COVID Relief Act, including 41 percent of Republicans.

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: This bill is a historic, historic victory for the American people. I look forward to signing it later this week.

VAN CLEAVE: But Republicans in Congress continue to rail against it, arguing that nearly $ 400 billion for transit agencies, states and local governments, and $ 86 billion for bailing out pension funds is unrelated to COVID.

REP. KEVIN MCCARTHY (R-CA): It’s not an auxiliary bill. It’s a laundry list of left-wing priorities that emerged before the pandemic that doesn’t meet the needs of American families.


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