Chris Rock Jokes Gameshows Have Extra Guidelines Than Being President – .

Family Feud, Chris Farley and Donald Trump were all featured in Chris Rock’s “Saturday Night Live” opening monologue when he joked that there are more rules to game shows than running for president.

Rock kicked off the season with a quick Trump gag before pointing at the small crowd, which consisted of masked first responders.

“Before we even start, President Donald Trump of COVID is in the hospital and my heart goes out to COVID,” he said. “This is a special show that is different from any other show. Everyone in the audience was checked. I haven’t made as much noise since sharing a dressing room with Chris Farley. “

The Fargo star also took up the issue of nepotism in the government when he called for a renegotiation of the public’s relationship with the government. “Does it work? I think Joe Biden should be the last president who ever was. We need a whole new system,” he said. “To be president of the United States, you only have to be 35 years old and in the United States Anyone can be president. There should be some rules. There are more rules to game shows than running for president. Steve Harvey can’t put his family on family feud. There is real control. “

(Note: Steve Harvey put his own family on Family Feud)

Rock also threw a punch at Ronda Rousey, saying the government wasn’t making the best decisions for poor people – “It’s like you’re a handsome friend giving you dating advice? This works for you Idris ”and asked why election day was November 3rd.

“We have to vote, but they don’t want you to vote. Election day is a Tuesday in November? Even Jesus avoids Tuesday. If that show was Tuesday Night Live, it would have been canceled in 1975. “

He concluded with a quote from James Baldwin, adding, “We can lick this if we all work together.”

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