CNN: Rudy Making an attempt to ‘Bilk’ Trump Marketing campaign for ‘Air Quotes’ Authorized Providers

CNN has moved from hourly Russian collusion updates to hourly Trump abuse for not conceding the election. At the end of a Wednesday morning panel discussion in which Trump’s legal team was annihilated for the futility of their legal challenges, John Berman, co-host of New Day, closed the discussion by annihilating Rudy Giuliani as a con man who was mentally not very acute is. It sounded a bit like a Trump tweet.

JOHN BERMAN: By the way, there are reports in the Times and other places that Rudy Giuliani wants to charge $ 20,000 a day for it its “legal services”. And yes, that deserves air quotes exactly there. And there were these questions about, oh, is Rudy may be lacking intellectual sharpnessHas he slipped a bit?

You know I think we can stop judging him on a curve. Take his word for it that he knows what he’s doing here. He tries to bilken the Trump campaign for money while demonstrating questionable moral values. And the question of whether this taints his legacy? That is his legacy at this point.

Note the screen coverage of Berman’s aerial quotes on Rudy’s “legal services.”

In order to . . . CNN is utterly upset that Rudy is allegedly trying to “bilken” Trump’s campaign for false “services”. Such sudden concern for Team Trump! Berman accused Rudy of “questionable moral values” and raised questions about his possible loss of “intellectual acuity”. And Berman scornfully dismissed Rudy’s allegedly tainted “legacy”.

Question: When did Berman or anyone else on CNN:

  • Do you accuse the Biden family of “bilking” foreigners for Jäger’s aerial quotes?
  • Do you accuse the Biden family of “questionable moral values” or do you deride the Biden family’s “legacy” given their history of influence trading?
  • Joe Biden’s “mental acuity” question?

Has CNN ever investigated and reported the legal fees charged by Attorney David Boies to the Gore campaign during his 37-day contest of the 2000 election results in Florida? Was he “bilking” Gore? Oh no! CNN burnished its legacy as a miraculous thing in 2000:

No attorney in memory has ever gained so much by losing. Throughout the post-election review, Boies was the focus of attention on a daily basis, showing the All-News Nation the amazing gifts that have delighted its clients and irritated its more angry opponents for three decades. Fourteen years ago, the New York Times Magazine confirmed its status with a title track entitled THE WALL STREET LAWYER EVERYONE WANTS.

CNN’s angry allegations against Rudy Giuliani were sponsored in part by Shark Vacuums and VisionWorks.

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