Invoice Maher: QAnon Similar as Christian ‘Magical Spiritual Pondering’, Even Libs Take Subject
As an anti-Christian fanatic, Bill Maher does not make a partial distinction between Christians. He is a discriminator for equal opportunities.
On Friday February 5, Bill Maher decided to end his HBO show Real Time With Bill Maher by mocking Christians. Intending to or not, Maher mocked conservative and liberal Christians alike by equating them all with the Capitol madmen.
Maher started with a flick on Trump supporters, which allowed most of his listeners to get on board. “The January 6 events were a faith-based initiative and Trumpism is a Christian nationalist movement,” he said, as if all Trump supporters were monolithically Christian.
Despite the fact that many Democrats refused to recognize the 2016 election results, Maher likened the “mass delusion” of Republicans who dared to question electoral irregularities to the “deception” of Christianity. He said, “The inconvenient truth here is that if you show religious beliefs the lofty respect we have here in America, you’ve already lost the argument that mass delusion is bad.”
Christianity obviously transcends the party’s boundaries, but Maher felt encouraged to argue that the reason some Christians supported Trump is because all Christians “have already made room in their heads for shit that doesn’t make sense”. Ouch.
Have you ever read the Book of Revelations? This is the Bible – this is your holy book, Christians, and they have seven-headed dragons and locusts that have the faces of men and the teeth of lions. And other stuff that you don’t see until after the guy in the park sold you bad mushrooms.
Did he read it? There is no “s” in Revelation. However, he concluded by preaching, “Magical religious thinking is a virus, and QAnon is just its current mutation.”
Unsurprisingly, even liberal Christians who are not fans of Trump have questioned Maher’s ignorant portrayal of their faith. A Twitter user, an avid supporter of #Resist, #BLM, and #JusticeMatters, tweeted:
Bill, I respect a lot of your opinions. But this group of “Christian evangelicals” represents only a small fraction. I am a Christian, a democrat, and belong to a mega-church with representatives from over 100 nations. I volunteered with the DNC to make calls to swing states. I’m not a Christian because I think I’m perfect, but because I need my relationship with Jesus. Because I’m a sinner … It’s not about yelling at people with Bible verses, it’s about feeding people, helping the homeless, helping people get back on their feet after a disaster, getting out of jail, helping immigrants, etc.
Another frustrated Christian tweeted, “Equating Christianity 2 Quanon [sic] is so disrespectful[ful]. I don’t agree with all Christians and I often wonder which Bible they read. However believers I know seek God and love. Comparison of whole body of christ 2hateful racist ppl im speechless. have been watching you since ABC and that was low! “
For someone supposedly supporting unity at a time of political division, Maher was safe to separate Christians from Democrats. But the good news is, this time around, even liberals wouldn’t let it.
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