“It’s So Brazen” – .
Details of President Donald Trump’s tax filings were revealed on Sunday when a New York Times report revealed that the former reality television star only paid $ 750 in taxes for 2016 and 2017. Like many social media users, Late Night host Seth Meyers said he paid more than Trump in income taxes.
“$750? I pay more than that in blockbuster fees, which I’m serious, ”joked Meyers on Monday evening.
While it may be entertaining to compare one’s own tax payments to Trump’s relatively low remittance for 2016 and 2017, Meyers took time during his “A Closer Look Segment” to criticize the president and the American tax system.
“IIt’s so bold. I’m shocked that we don’t have a surveillance video of Trump sneaking out of Fort Knox with gold bars in his pocket, ”Meyers continued.
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The late night host called the president and said his lack of finances and the idea of continuing to call the White House at home could lead Trump to continue re-election. Meyers even criticized the president for paying thousands of dollars in taxes on his properties in countries like Panama, the Philippines and India.
When he stopped toasting the president about his questionable financial practices, Meyers said Trump and his tax payment of just $ 750 are part of a larger, “corrupt” tax system that benefits wealthy rulers. He said Trump and billion dollar companies like Amazon can get away with sketchy tax practices while ordinary Americans cannot.
“Trump is unique, he is a product and the pioneer of a system that protects the rich and powerful in our society and destroys everyone else,” he said. “Trump and his allies not only benefit from this system, they are trying to preserve it, which is why they are so deeply invested that I will make sure he stays in power wherever they can. “
Check out the entire Late Night with Seth Meyers above.
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