Jonathan Wright Arrested For Excellent Theft Warrant Due To Not Returning A Maserati Loaner Automobile (Unique Particulars)
TSR Exclusive Details: We told you guys we’d be back with the tea, Roomies, and it’s hot! We previously reported that famous hairdresser Jonathan Wright was arrested for theft and we now have the details of what happened.
According to a source close to the situation, Jonathan was stopped by Dallas PD for a traffic violation and arrested on a pending November 2020 arrest warrant. Legal documents obtained from #TheShadeRoom state that Jonathan was charged with criminal theft for failing to return a rental vehicle from Mile High Exotic Motors in Houston.
According to the records, Jonathan took his leased Rolls Royce to the dealer for scheduled maintenance and received a Maserati on loan while his car was being worked on. When he returned to pick up his car, a manager at the facility told him that he was in arrears with his payments and that he would have to settle the debt before the car was released for him.
The documents state that Jonathan “got angry and caused a disturbance” before taking back the keys to the rental vehicle he returned and drove away. Another dealership manager said he sent Jonathan a letter demanding the car be returned before deciding to bring charges.
Jonathan is currently trailing behind a $ 100,000 bond in the Dallas County Jail.
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