Matthew McConaughey For Texas Governor!? Actor Giving it ‘Consideration’

Alright, alright, alright. Actor Matthew McConaughey thinks running for governor is “a real consideration”.

In an interview with Rania Mankarious of Crime Stoppers on Houston’s The Balanced Voice podcast, McConaughey expressed an interest in potentially running for office. Although he didn’t specifically say he completed the voting forms, he hinted at the option.

“I’ll look again now, what’s my leadership role? Because I think I have some things to teach and share, and what’s my role? What’s my category in my next chapter of the life I’m going into?” “

Oh boy. A net worth of $ 140 million is just not enough for McConaughey. We may have another celebrity on the ballot in the future.

This is not McConaughey’s first mention of wanting to be part of the political scene. In November he had already expressed his interest in “The Late Show With Stephen Colbert”. In the fall, he said the timing was not right, but “Politics seems like a broken business … Politics needs to redefine its purpose. And as I move forward in life, will I consider leadership roles in which I can be most useful? I’d love to. I do it anyway. “

When McConaughey was asked on the Hugh Hewitt Show in November if he would ever run for anything, he said it was not his fault. “It would be more about the people than me … if politics redefined its purpose, I could be a hell of a lot more interested.”

Perhaps now that current Republican Governor Greg Abbott is up for re-election next year and many celebs have had a word or two of disagreement with him, the True Detective star could get his shot.

While McConaughey did not specifically say where he would fall on a political level, he previously presented himself as a proponent of the middle ground. He is known to support a gun ban, but he has also encouraged citizens to hug Donald Trump and he wanted political compromise and unity. So it is unclear whether even he knows where he would be.

When it actually runs and starts the campaign, the Dallas Buyers Club takes on a whole new meaning.

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