Phaedra Parks Blasts Donald Trump’s Message From The Previous Summer time

Phaedra parks bangs Donald Trump in the midst of the chaos in the USA. She posted a photo containing a message he posted on social media over the summer.

#Trump away and pack up and tell your people it’s time to go back to work, ”Phaedra said of her post.

Someone else said, ‘Yeah, this one !!!! HYPOCRISY AT ITS BEST 😢 ‘and one commenter posted,’ The worst president in modern history. I’m glad he’s on his way out. ‘

One follower said, ‘Amen, girls! Congratulations to your state for kicking a Senate ass in the elections! First black senator and first Jewish senator! ‘

One commenter said, “Yeah, I want to hear everything Trump has to say. Don’t silence him, now you know he’s kidding all Republicans.” And someone else wrote: “Trump supporters have jobs, Biden supporters want the freebies. ‘

Someone else said, “Oh my God, I’m going to look at this from Australia and see how ridiculous these people are. My daughter was offered a job in the US to start this month. But I said hold off until that clown is out of the office and his followers are mad. See how it goes this time next year. I really hope things get better for all of you. Both politically and in the judicial system. Best regards from Australia ‘.’

One supporter said, “This is absolutely shocking !!!!!! … and people still want him to stay president” and someone else wrote this: “And he better locks up.” every single one of them MAGA snakes too! …..🐍 ‘

As one fan wrote, “Read all of these memes with your beautiful southern Belle accent. 💙 ‘

Phaedra parks shared some words about the new year just started and also about 2020.


Check out the message and photos she recently posted on her social media account.

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