Pollster Who Exhibits Trump Forward Nationally Says Florida Is Nearly Out of Attain for Biden

At a time and place where a left-most CNN poll shows Obama Cony Joe Biden is 11 points ahead of President Trump nationally, a Democracy Institute poll over the weekend showed Trump won nationally and on electoral college .

We learned in 2016 and earlier (see Ann Coulter’s book Slander) that Democrats use polls to rig elections. We now know they are lying and spying and creating scandals in order to gain power. Over the weekend, a pollster who appears not to be part of the Democrats’ media complex released numbers that show President Trump is ahead of Joe Biden nationally and in almost every category. This poll seems to best reflect reality, as we’ve measured the attendance of supporters at events since Labor Day for both parties and see with our own eyes that President Trump is filling events across the country while Biden doesn’t even fill in the circle marks at his events wherever he goes.

Here are some comments from the Democracy Institute on the results of their analysis:

A poll by the Democracy Institute over the weekend found that Trump won nationally and on electoral college. PaTrick Basham of the Democracy Institute was asked about the results of his survey. The poll found that Trump won nationally and on the electoral college.

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Basham at the Democracy Institute switched his survey from a 2-way race to a 4-way race. He believes some are “parking” their votes with third-party candidates. He senses that some of them will return to Trump or Biden, others to Trump. He also believes that more undecided will go for Trump.

2) It was because the Democracy Institute switched from a 2-way race to a 4-way race. He believes some are “parking” their votes with third-party candidates. He senses that some of them will return to Trump or Biden, others to Trump. He also believes that more undecided will go for Trump.

– PollWatch (@ PollWatch2020) October 7, 2020

Basham believes in the “SHY TRUMP VOTER”: “The shy Trump voter is not only real, he is bigger than last time.” Basham believes this isn’t just a rural voter in a haystack: “The shy Trump voter is actually much more likely. . . an African American in an urban setting; or a white woman in a suburb. “

“These are votes for Trump that will surprise people when they walk in because they are the least expected to support him.”

There’s even a shy Trump vote in MD-7 (Kim Klacik District) and Klacik is doing great in the race.

4) “These are votes for Trump that will surprise people when they walk in because they are expected to be the least likely to support him.”

There is even a shy Trump vote in MD-7 (Kim Klacik District).

Klacik is great in the race. @ KimKBaltimore

– PollWatch (@ PollWatch2020) October 7, 2020

At YOUNGER VOTERS, Basham shared, “We believe. . . there will be significantly fewer younger voters. – We believe that this group will cast at least one million fewer votes overall. “


New Hampshire is a mini Minnesota turning Trump. The war and peace problem is great in NH. NH and much of the country like Trump’s refusal to go to war. Trump is there “in very, very good shape [NH]. ”


New Hampshire is a mini Minnesota. The war and peace problem is great in NH. NH likes Trump’s refusal to go to war.

Trump is there “in very, very good shape [NH]. ”

– PollWatch (@ PollWatch2020) October 7, 2020

Basham is confident that Trump will win Florida, but he can’t take FL for granted, but “Florida borders on comfort for Trump right now.”

Basham believes Florida is out of Biden’s reach. There will be a greater number of Trump Democrats in 2020.

Trump is also a leader in Minnesota and Pennsylvania.

8) “There will be a greater number of Trump Democrats in 2020.”

Trump leads in Minn. And Penn.

Thanks to “Cotto / Gottfried” for the interview. Take a look at the subscription and consider it: https: //t.co/foOffI4pXM

– PollWatch (@ PollWatch2020) October 7, 2020

The polls used by Democrats are rubbish. CNN is rubbish. Americans want the truth. That’s why they voted for President Trump and will do it again.

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