Public Well being Confirms 3,780 New Instances – .
With 3,780 newly reported cases of COVID-19, Los Angeles County is breaking its own record for the highest cases in a day since the summer surge in mid-July.
The Los Angeles Department of Health confirmed the thousands of new coronavirus cases on Saturday, marking a grim new high for the county. The latest report from the health authorities also shows 20 new deaths from COVID-19. Saturday’s hospital stays are the highest hospital stay rate in nearly two months, with 966 people admitted for COVID-19.
As LA County seems to be heading into a dark period of high COVID-19 cases and death tolls on a daily basis, health officials are urging residents to take necessary precautions this holiday season. With face covering, outdoor gatherings, and minimal socializing, residents can significantly reduce their risk of COVID-19 transmission by following officials’ recommendations.
Not only does public health warn residents of the dangers that family and holiday gatherings can bring, but it also notes that young people continue to drive the increase in community transmission in the county. Of the 3,780 new cases, 74% come from people under the age of 50.
To date, Los Angeles officials have identified 336,549 positive cases of COVID-19 in all areas of LA County and a total of 7,266 deaths. California has had at least 1,019,000 positive cases and 18,218 deaths since the pandemic began.
Los Angeles remains in the most restrictive “purple” tier of Governor Gavin Newsom’s reopening plan. Earlier this week, Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer noted that LA County may move to the less restrictive Level 2 in less than four weeks.
Public health reports the highest number of new cases since the summer surge in July: Confirmed 20 new deaths and 3,780 new positive cases from # COVID19. Further information can be found at
– LA Public Health (@lapublichealth) November 14, 2020
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