Rancorous Reid: Pleasure Floats ‘Sedition’ Prices for Trump Workforce, Ranges Lazy GOP Stereotypes
Outside of nearly every single on-air CNN personality, is there anyone more ethically plagued and more partisan than MSNBC’s ReidOut host Joy Reid?
Whether it’s her claims of being hacked or recently (and lazily) lying about Antifa or Republicans as murderers, she has a good résumé. Thursday’s show was no exception, as Reid said, among other things, Trump’s legal team was guilty “Revolt,” insisted that Republicans only support the rich and condemned the Senate to fill executive and judicial positions.
And that doesn’t even cover the things their guests said (including Al Franken who teaches Republicans about ethics).
Below is a remarkable mix of Quotables-style moments presented in chronological order.
The ‘Mad King’ Trump legal team should be found guilty of sedition
“I am a man against whom more is sinned than sinned. It will be easy to imagine these words coming from the mouth of our own crazy King Donald Trump as he trudges through the halls of a White House in a fit of rage for losing the election to Joe Biden in a landslide and to himself mumbles about treason and screaming sham accusations about fraud. But these are not words from Trump. This is William Shakespeare’s King Lear, because that’s where we got. But Trump’s mad king is far more insidious … and at this point it’s hard to argue with lifelong Republicans like Stewart Stevens, who call it riot …[W]We only need one Republican, just one, to say no to him too, and they won’t. “
– Reid, 7:00 p.m. East.
HUH ?! Reid: GOP considers anyone elected with non-whites to be illegitimate
“[W]They say that any president who is elected by majority vote of non-whites is by definition an invalid president. You did it to Barack Obama. You’re doing it with Joe Biden now. They just say Biden can’t be president because of his win and then, as David just said, they can put his presidency on hold for four years. “
– Reid, 7:07 p.m. East.
Look out for rights that cause the US to turn violent and threaten Biden’s life
“And the last thing I’m going to say as a historian, these situations can be really, really explosive. When we saw an election in 1824 that had questions – there were questions about the validity of the votes cast and how they turned out and that ultimately destroyed a political party – an entire political party. In 1860 this nearly destroyed the country itself. We talk about such extreme goals most of the time, but we are playing with dangerous things right now. “
– Columbia University New York writer and professor of journalism, Jelani Cobb, 7:09 p.m. Eastern.
“If you have a delegitimized president and, as you know, an electorate that has shown a willingness to commit acts of violence on Trump’s behalf, when you think of people like Cesar Sayoc, it poses a threat to the new president and then second social upheaval is likely when people who have much of the will, the will of the public, cannot be expressed through government mechanisms, and that is a recipe for social turmoil. “
– Cobb, 7:13 p.m. East.
The constitution allows the “minority rule” to ruin America and keep Dems from fixing us
“[T]The project here is to take over minority rule at the state level and to shape it in such a way that it claims a right of veto at the federal level. In many ways, this is one of the key outcomes of the 2020 election, may not be what is happening in the Senate or even the Presidency, but what is not happening in state lawmakers. So you have a situation in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin where a majority of the votes leads to a minority of seats in the state assembly and thus in Congress and a majority and vice versa, minorities rule, majorities do not. And I think to understand what is going to happen in this country in the next decade is the failure to correct these changes – these balances in these three states are really – really significant because we may not have a quick recovery from coronavirus . Maybe there is – there will be some losses in the 2022 election for the presidential party, maybe Republicans just need a little bit more head start to really have veto power in Congress throughout the decade. “
– Atlantic employee and MSNBC employee David Frum, 7:10 p.m. Eastern.
“[B]But what the protection of minority rights in the constitution actually does is a situation where you can play in bad faith to make sure that what we now see as some kind of minority rule, and so we have seen that in the constitution In the last election, Hilary Clinton won the referendum by around 3 million and lost in the electoral college. “
– Cobb, 7:12 p.m. East.
Republicans ONLY care about the rich ?!
“[W]What they want to do with this force, I think, is clear. You want to enrich the rich. They want to give companies a right of veto over regulating themselves. You want to make sure that nobody is taxing extremely wealthy people. They don’t care about those kind of ordinary Trump voters. “
– Reid, 7 p.m., 12 p.m. East.
We need a MASSIVE investigation of the entire Trump administration …
“[O]One thing I think we’ll need when it’s all over, outside of the party system, is some kind of investigation into what exactly happened. I talked in this thread about how you were kind enough to quote the importance of thinking about the future in a non-partisan, non-partisan way because one of the parties has broken in its commitment to democratic norms …[W]We have to get to the bottom of what happened in the Trump years. There are so many things we should know that we just don’t do it and your point of view about who the people are and how they got into positions, the matter of the records left behind by the Trump administration, whether any records were tampered with, and what exactly are we the financial obligations of the then president through the Trump presidency. These are questions that must be answered if the country is ever to move forward safely. “
– Frum, 7.15 p.m. East.
…. but the GOP are the ones who ignore fighting Americans by filling judgeships!
“Where is the Great Old Party that used to preach the virtues and values of the Constitution? Where are the Senate Republicans as Trump and his lawyers for conspiracy theorists bringing a flamethrower into democracy by openly undermining the will of 80 million voters? Well, right now they are eating their way out of power, filling the federal election commission, Federal Reserve Board, and courts with their appointees before President-elect Biden shows up and turns off the spigot … Meanwhile, millions of Americans are in desperate need of help because of the coronavirus , and the GOP clearly believes they can wait. Let them eat judges. “
– Reid, 7:44 p.m. East.
Franks, Reid Claim Republicans are “a shame”, “don’t care about democracy”
Reid: “So that’s how we do it. Republicans don’t care about democracy. They hate elections because they don’t always win and they watch Donald Trump burn the house down, so get more judges and pile the Federal Reserve Board with people and 33 year old unqualified judges. Is this the same Republican Senatorial cohort you knew? “
Francs: “Yes. You are a shame. The longer you refuse to acknowledge that Joe Biden won, the more the Republican base will join the fiction that this has been manipulated, undermined democracy and causes permanent damage.”
– Conversation at 7.45 p.m. East.
Irony: Franken insists that GOP senators are the ones who have ethical problems
“[T]The Georgia Republican Secretary of State said Lindsey called him and basically asked him to get rid of some legal votes. Then Lindsey denied this and that unfortunately there was another person on the phone who is a witness. You know if this were like murder he would be in big trouble and yes there is an ethical inquiry and there should be and if he lies he will be brought to justice as you know. But this is really serious. “
– Franconia, 7:47 p.m. East.
Reid: “There are ethics investigations going on too – there are also some allegations of ethics violations by two seated Senators, Kelly Loeffler, for violating ethics rules by running fundraisers to get her a seat after receiving briefings on COVID . David Perdue helped the defense company and sold stocks at a convenient time for him when they both found out how bad COVID was …[D]o You agree with David Frum that on the other hand we have a political party and a kind of mafia that only wants to try to gain minority rule for completely unethical people?
Francs: “I’ve divided the difference. We have two political parties. One is kind of a mafia, and that’s – you see, it’s crazy that senators have stocks in any stocks – you know they should have mutual funds or, as you know, exchange-traded funds. I had that. I mean you should have that man. Yeah, what – what Perdue did was vote on something and then immediately sell a stock in the defense company he was helping, which Loeffler was terrible. It was – she was selling, she had classified information on a – a crisis and selling, you know, the COVID crisis and selling stocks, selling hotel stocks. “
– Conversation at 7:48 p.m. East.
These divisive and venomous claims and layoffs of people on the right were made possible by advertisers such as ClearChoice, Lincoln, Qunol, and WeatherTech. Follow the links to the MRC’s Conservatives Fight Back page.
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