‘Smallville’ Forged Reminisce About Days On Set – .

The Smallville cast reflected on their time on the set during their New York Comic Con virtual panel on Saturday morning. Their reunion marked nearly a decade since the show ended on The CW.

The panel was moderated by Garrett Wang (Star Trek: Voyager) and accompanied by Tom Welling (Clark Kent), Michael Rosenbaum (Lex Luthor), Sam Witwer (Davis Bloome) and Laura Vandervoort (Kara).

Rosenbaum revealed that he was ready to explode on season seven. Towards the end of his run on Smallville, he mentioned that he was tired of playing the same character and offered Tom’s idea for a special episode.

“I didn’t mean to stretch it out [but] I felt you had to. Tom always says how great the episode would have been if I had gotten his powers and brain. That would have been a great episode because we did Lexmas where Lex is good in this other world [and] you can see [his] Sweet. I would have loved to do something like that, ”said Rosenbaum.

Vandervoort wished Kara had more degree and the writers could have developed her plot further. She ended with a clear remark about the costume department, which was responsible for her bare skin on the screen.

“I asked her to burn the closet when I finished the show,” quipped Vandervoort. “Personally, I would have liked to.”

Welling had a lot less to complain about.

“I loved it because so often it was a blue shirt, a red jacket or vice versa. Every now and then they would throw in a plaid shirt. That made it very easy for stunt guys and very easy for me, ”said Welling.

See the panel in the video above talk more about their antics and the memorabilia they didn’t put.

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