Trevor Noah Says That President Trump Might Enchantment Past Supreme Court docket – .

Trevor Noah sees President Donald Trump as “a man in a bar fight with reality”. That is after the final refusal by a higher court to hear appeals against the election.

The Supreme Court narrowly rejected a petition from Trump ally Mike Kelly, a Pennsylvania Republican, on Tuesday. Kelly argued that almost all of the state’s postal ballot papers were illegal.

The petition was denied by the Supreme Court in one sentence within 34 minutes with no disagreement.

“They didn’t even pretend they’d think about it,” Noah said. “Trump must be particularly hurt that the judges he appointed did not help,” judges like “Amy Coney Island,” as Noah called them.

There is still a major lawsuit on roughly the same subjects, led by Texas and 17 other states, and possibly alongside President Trump, that the Supreme Court may be considering.

But Noah compared the current situation to a friend who you see crying but who you move further away from. “He cannot appeal to a higher court than the Supreme Court,” Noah said. “But maybe he can appeal to God.”

In a Trump voice, Noah mocked: “I know, I only ask for your help when I go down a ramp. But that’s important, big guy. “

The Supreme Court denying Trump in 34 minutes is like asking someone to go out sometime and it is telling you, “I’m busy that day.”

– The Daily Show (@TheDailyShow) December 10, 2020

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