Dan Somewhat Babble: The Media’s Downside Underneath Trump Is Too A lot Equity!

Watching the latest episode of CNN’s Reliable Sources can seem like a never-ending, highly repetitive nightmare, in which host Brian Stelter re-leads disgraced liar Dan Rather to investigate how President Trump is mentally unstable and how the press is he must be removed from office like a nasty boil.

On Sunday, Rather complained that he was “a bit busy with the press” under Trump because “it’s still going through these … distortions of the quote,” trying to be fair. ” This wasn’t a problem for Rather, who has been unfair for decades.

STELTER: Dan, you have reported on so many presidential elections. Obviously this one is different. How should the press act differently?

DAN RATHER: Well, first of all, I’m a little worried the press – and I do not free myself from this criticism – still goes through this, too often, distortion of, quote, “try to be fair”. There is a line of fairness that we must adhere to, but we must report on what is and not what we hope it is.

And as the press, we just have to get on with our work, telling people over and over again, reminding people through the use of facts and quotes how unusually unique this is, number one, a president who says in advance of the election that he will try to bind it in court if it doesn’t seem to be going its way, and he will not commit to a peaceful transfer of power at the top even if the indication is that he has lost.

And number two, there has never been anything that stood in the way of a President of the United States’ suppression of voters. And the president has to keep things that way.

Then he turned to Stelter’s favorite plant, Trump’s alleged mental inability to hold high office:

Rather: As for his mental state, I know there is a theory that he is mentally unstable. I am not qualified to say that. I will say that. That he constantly engages in anger, manic behavior, abusive behavior, mocking behavior and so often indicates that he would score on a stupid test in the higher 90s.

You know, we have a combination of selfishness and stupidity in the White House. I think people will see that at some point. Will they see it in time to avoid what’s ahead?

In the past, in the normal times, Brian, there is often a fine line between tragedy and farce. Unfortunately, that was a long time ago. And the story of the Trump administration is both a tragedy and a farce.

Dan Rather abounds in describing someone else’s career as “both tragedy and farce”.

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