OUTRAGEOUS: Corrupt DC Choose Emmet Sullivan Delays Basic Flynn Case Once more

The totally corrupt judge in General Flynn’s case, Judge Emmet Sullivan, has delayed Flynn’s right to a speedy trial and continues to abuse the general, whom the DOJ admitted six months ago to wrongful prosecution.

While General Flynn endures years of non-crime prosecutor abuse by Deep State, fabricating crimes and deep state lies, others like Hunter Biden are allowed to go free after taking millions of overseas units in shady deals during seedy president.

American general and war hero General Michael Flynn received lawyers from Covington to represent him on filing a FARA form in December 2016 shortly after the 2016 elections. A few months later, General Flynn’s life was turned upside down and he eventually reinstated Covington, this time to represent him on charges brought against him by the Mueller gang. Eventually the Covington attorneys who worked for the general forced him to sign a guilty pledge on charges he did not believe he was guilty of. He partially agreed to the plea because the Müller gang threatened his son. The Mueller gang agreed with Covington attorneys not to prosecute Flynn’s son on false accusations if the general agreed to lie to the FBI. It was all a build-up.

After millions of legal fees and countless negative reports in the MSM, General Flynn got new lawyers and the government eventually released Brady documents showing that he had committed no crimes. The documents showed that it was set up and that the courts were lied to.

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When that happened, General Flynn released an explanation of his actions and tweeted an idea of ​​what he had endured over the years.

Flynn statement @ sidneypowell1
@ JosephJFlynn1
@ GoJackFlynn
@ 76LibertyWatch
@ lofly727
@FieldofFight https://t.co/lZYjp6NIov

– General Flynn (@GenFlynn) April 25, 2020

That was in April. After four years of abuse by prosecutors, lying lawyers and government agents, grotesque lying media, and numerous allegations of his riot, the government determined that there was no case against Flynn. He hadn’t done anything wrong. When his lawyers and the government turned to the judge to end the case, the corrupt Judge Sullivan refused.

General Flynn and his family await his release from bogus trial in the most disgusting investigation, facility, law enforcement and kangaroo court in US history. Today corrupt Judge Sullivan of the Corrupt DC Court decided to renew the judiciary.

The Hill reports:

Judge Emmet Sullivan gave the Department of Justice (DOJ) until Monday to validate the evidence, including handwritten notes from former FBI agent Peter Strzok. He also ordered prosecutors to provide the dates and authors for each filing, as well as a transcription for each handwritten document.

Strzok’s attorney, Aitan Goelman, pointed out the changes in a letter to Sullivan late last month, saying that the DOJ had added data to the documents and that at least one of them was inaccurate.

The DOJ informed the court earlier this month that the investigators examining the case mistakenly included the data in the documents it submitted.

Strzok’s comments have nothing to do with Flynn’s innocence. Strzok and others were behind the drafting and establishment of General Flynn, and now Judge Sullivan is working with them to deny Flynn’s justice.

In the meantime, Hunter Biden and many others affiliated with the Obama administration can roam free. Although the Clinton Foundation is known to have committed crimes, despite the fact that the Americans have been spied on by the Obama administration and raw data from the US Intel community has been freely sent to outside organizations, nothing is done.

General Flynn’s beautiful wife tweeted her fear in September:

My husband @GenFlynn is sitting at a sanctioned dinner in 2015 where he fully instructed the USG (BEFORE AND AFTER) and receives endless heartache for 4 years! Hunter Biden Receives MILLIONS CORRUPT DOLLARS DIRECTLY FROM RUSSIA and CRICKETS from the media. # Already released

– loandfly⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@ lofly727) September 23, 2020

Our media and government agencies are corrupt.

Only President Donald Trump can and will address this. We know because Biden ignores it and he’s a part of it. Please continue your prayers for America and the Flynn family.

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