SNL Star Mocks Individuals As ‘Infants’ For Protesting Enterprise Destroying Lockdowns (VIDEO)
The coronavirus business lockdowns are destroying jobs and people’s lives. In New York City, a Staten Island bar has become a focal point of national attention because owners broke lockdown rules.
Hundreds of people have come out to support the bar and protest the rules.
Saturday Night Live, formerly a comedy show, mocked these people for daring to object to the destruction of their lives.
And SNL did it in front of a studio audience. How did they have people living there? They got around the coronavirus lockdown by paying members of their audience to be there.
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It is amazing that SNL believes that Americans who are losing their businesses and jobs are a subject for ridicule.
The federalist reported:
Pete Davidson’s well-paid SNL chastises destroyed restaurant owners for laughing
Saturday Night Live cast member and Staten Island native Pete Davidson used his paid position at NBC on Saturday to poke fun at his hometown and educate restaurant owners protesting the latest COVID restrictions that are making a living threatened.
“The bar is, shockingly, in a neighborhood with the second highest COVID infections in New York. So the rule is that people are allowed to eat or drink outside and the owner said no one wants to do that because they are no longer in business, ”Davidson said before delivering some punchlines about his Staten Islander.
“So I suppose you found these protests frustrating?” asked his co-star Colin Jost.
“Yeah, man, they make us look like babies,” Davidson said before advocating that everyone stay home.
Watch the video:
Just unbelievable.
I can’t help but notice that he said this at work.
– Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) December 6, 2020
Meanwhile, anyone who works on Broadway is out of luck until June 2021, although, as you know, being in the audience at a show against SNL is the same. Chances are they can’t pay $ 150 for every audience.
– Karol Markowicz (@karol) October 11, 2020
Pete Davidson makes $ 315,000 a year cracking silly jokes and calling people who have lost their business to ban “babies” on SNL
– Pardes Seleh (@PardesSeleh) December 6, 2020
Do you remember years when SNL was funny?
Cross posted by American Lookout.
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